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Monday, January 12, 2015

Cleaning My Studio? UFOs? One day some day.

What am I crazy?

I will never find thirty percent of my gee gobs again.  I love seeing everything, and I mean everything. If it is away I forget about it until I need something like it.  Eventually I remember but that is usually after I figure out how to do it another way.

So I challenged myself. First of the year, clean it up.  I have thought a lot about it and the challenge of completing projects.

Here's what occurred to me.  UFO's have stages and need to be categorized, librarian's kid...
Unfinished projects
1. Those you have selected the materials, tools, cut, started to sew, skreeched to a halt, put away or boxed, bagged, placed other "more urgent" projects on top of...type.
2. Then there is the one day some day type.
3. The when I get a long arm type.
4. When I get the space type. 
5. Loss of interest fifty percent or more into it.
6. Maybe I can repurpose this.

So here are the first three actual UFOS that I am working on...
1. Binding finishing and label on the Virginia Speigle 100 Quilts Fund Raiser.* Yeah-done!
2, Mazloomi Landscape quilt- still working.
3. Large blue face quilt. Still in the bag...ahhh
4. Organize Scrap collection - 85% complete..*happy* dance
5. Mop up leak from storm damage...on going. Will fix after last snow, gutter still frozen.
6. Studio more chaotic during this cleanup.  History for me, it gets worse before it gets better, hope to see table tops soon.
7. Less sewing done, *plus side* I am finding all my tools and sorting out giveaways.
All most figured out where it all should be...20% there.

Second quarter - goals

Find all African literature and place in one bookshelf. Include small artifacts, sculptures, small quilts. 
Make something to hold rulers in, wall hanging or pegboard thing.
All things yarn, looms, string, related books, magazines, and tools boxed for move.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Orlando History Museum and 240 Million Slaves Ago...

This Quilt has moved to its next stop on it's 5 year tour.

My Quilt Below is On Display at the Bullock Museum:

06/19/2015 - 08/30/2015
1800 Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78701 • Map it


Exhibit is now on display at the Orlando History Museum until May 3, 2015


Link to the article about the next museum my tribute to African American history in quilt form. http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=063bf7ed7fede722d0387fe34&id=1a5bd9030a&e=2f563d8759

First Stop, National Underground Railroad Museum in Cincinatti, Ohio. Mother and husband joined me on the trip and was there to see me in action on the panel.