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Thursday, June 19, 2014

SAQA NH-VT-ME Annual Gathering in Searsport, ME

5th year of the Annual Gathering of many quilters and quilt artists from NE and Canada...

If you want to know what is happening late August in ME.  http://saqanhvtme.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html

I have gone twice and had a lovely time.  Maine is so beautiful in August.  You are a block away from a beautiful body of water and lobster is so plentyfull and inexpensive.

Go, Come, join us!  If you haven't yet it is also a good time to meet the new reps, sit a spell and chat.

Ms. V

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Choosing A Different Path, Listening, Responding

     I know it is sounds easy when someone to gives you advice about changing directions or choosing a different way or path.  But the task of giving advice often comes back and bites you.  It is not as easy to give 'good, solid, and valid', advice as you may think.
     Many professionals who respond when friends or close acquaintances as questions quite often respond with a question.  A tried, and often true, method to get the person to get to the main point they are asking about.  Generally we want to ask around the bush.  Or we want to work up to the thing we really want the answer to.
     But on a rare occasion a question is asked that is heart felt, well thought out, and at the perfect time in the life of the person asking, to receive a 'well thought out' answer.  How do you tell the difference?  Patience, lots of listening, and having a gift, the perfect gift.  I call it a calling, a blessing, a pure but not simple..."listening gift".

     When teaching a workshop or an interactive lecture listening is an important key.  You have all your information ready.  You know your subject, understand the industry, have worked the circuit, and there is a demand for what you do.  So how do you use all these things in a listening mode?
     You use all your senses.  Your ears, your eyes, you watch the interactions of your target group and participants at all the meetings in your industry.  You ask pertinent questions. You read all the local papers, blogs, and as many of the websites of the individuals as reasonable, not as possible.  Then you relax and mingle with the groups from time to time.
     That way you remain up to date and current in that field.  When the question comes, a little push back is good, asking a question with a questions gives you more information to base your 'listening' response to.
     When you respond in a group setting, everyone gets it before the person asking the question, especially if the question is a yeah-but question.  Yeah-But usually means it is not the actual question.  When you respond to a "I have two questions", the first is a teaser and the second, if asked after a long breath, is quite often a cop-out.  The real question is the third one.
     The third questions is usually after the water is tested and the person feels comfortable or uncomfortable enough to 'say/ask-it.  If no one squirms, or giggles or looks exasperated the questions pops out into the open.  Whew...I think...a true question.
     So how to I actually answer questions from the group?  I do not.  I answer questions from a person. If I answer for the group, the answer is to broad.  How do I communicate the message of the purpose of the talk?  I start off talking a lot, decreasing my input and increasing the input of the participants by degrees until my summation.  We learn more in an interactive setting of our peers than from a solo 'performance', unless of course we don't.

     The path you are on is the right one, watch out for pot holes, bumps, and stop signs, they are all part and the purpose of the ride.  They stretch you. They are as necessary as the smooth road and the green go lights.  Listen to the repeated messages in your surroundings, not just the people but the room setup, traffic flow, and ambience of the places you are in.  And finally respond to that which supports you, your beliefs, your dreams, and needs.  Notice I did not say wants.  Wants change more than all the rest.  Especially in our inundated technology driven environment.
     If you have what you need, you can for-fill your dreams. If you recognize that which supports you, your beliefs will be challenged and you will not feel threatened.  If you ask for what you want, not what you are programmed to ask for, but what you really want in this day and time, you will find you are realizing your goals. Listen to the voice inside more than the voices outside.
Ms. V

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Apologizing, who apologizes all the time, sorry that is not me, excuse me, pardon me, sorry, oops sorry about that.

BFF's talking as they peruse the workshops.  Oh, I'm taking this.  You should too.  (Clue #1) Why would I take a workshop that would teach me how to talk about my work without apologizing?  I think, whew, I think, I'll pick one of the others, sorry but that one is not for me.  Are you taking it? "Why?" and then her best friend forever started, "You never apologize about your work except when you find your:

cats hair on it, a string hanging, a crooked string, the cigarette smoke, or the food stains on it,
or you don't have enough time to sew on a sleeve and you pin it,
forgot to sign it on the front, used more than one color purple,
forgot to send the return postage, forgot to start the quilt period,
forgot...., didn't mail it on time, didn't start it on time, didn't square it up,
missed the point of the theme, always miss the point of the theme,
did not have any red fabric, mail your quilts regardless of the theme,
used a glue, sequins, or tried other attachments and they started to fall off before you mailed the quilt, quit sending entries in because you never get in, sorry but I am not going to try this or that ever again... " "Hey Hey Hey, I don't do any of that!"

Why would you take a workshop that strengthens your point of view.
Why would you take a workshop that gives you the tools you need to possibly move on.
Why not? Why so? It takes guts to gather with your real contemporaries and have an honest dialogue.  I am up for it! How about you?

How do you talk about yourself, work, life, children, animals, ok so maybe life partner should have been earlier in this sentence, but I am not about to apologize.

We have been exposed to so many reasons to diminish our wonderfulness, our accomplishments, to devalue...wait I am not about to go through a therapy session, when I am at a convention.

Good because this is not any of the above!  This class is about you. A few minutes out of your day to really listen to your peers and you, talk about what you do, how your present yourself, and to learn a few simple but powerful motions, words, stances, to take when talking about your creative process/work and the powerful artist you are.  Oh sorry, I forgot, I will be chiming in from time to time.  So sign up and march on in...You'll have a blast!

Ms. V
Detail: 240 Million Slaves Ago...
Hanging in the International Underground Railroad Museum of Cincinnati Oct-Mar 2014