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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

I Remember Saying this...

 2024 Reflections and mid year updates.

Well, as I have been know to say at the start of a long rant. No not this time. This time I am going to post a few paragraphs of a memoir I am working. Something written for my children, your children. Somethings for me to remember and things you may want to revisit. A few life lessons I. hope to continue to examine and a few you might take a look at too.

works in progress...they are further along, will post finished pieces after I exhibit them. 

Memoir in progress.

I Remember Saying This. By Valarie Pratt Poitier



Originally written 09/09/2020

Draft Updated 07/03/24



I remember saying this to your mother who was dealing with a different series of health issues than she is now in 2024. Not the same issues or circumstance as me, nor like what you are experiencing, but her own, her own stuff. No matter how limiting you might think what is happening is, it is, and then again, it isn’t. We all need the following reminder.  At any given moment our bodies condition shifts. Our needs, gains and losses are all an uncomfortable or very comfortable part of what we experience along the pathways of life. Something in your journey will fail your expectations. You will often, whether you intend to or not, attribute it to someone or something else, a loved one, the boss, a car, your physical or mental health, the weather, it fell, or the infamous, they, didn’t do their part. We will all be challenged by its state, condition or a diagnosis we might receive.

A diagnosis is actually a best guess among other things.  During any challenge where in that moment or series of moments where were you? What was or is your part in all of it? Were you there? Awake, paying attention? Especially if it is health related? We often think back and go into a “would’a, should’a, could’a” rant. But the past is just that. “Be Here Now’ wake up now and smell the roses, stop putting off today what you cannot go back and change tomorrow. The only moment you have is this one right now, well that one’s in the past, Now.

My dear ones you are all grown up and it’s time to drag the answers out of the subconscious, you know the ones that circle around and around that you ignore. Stop doing that. That is one of the reasons your health challenges advance so quickly. It was not “all of a sudden” you got sick.  Reflect. Somewhere in that head and body of yours you knew something was off. Pay attention to feelings that let you know things are not normal. If you pay attention when you feel great it is more likely you will know when something is awry. Our bodies give us clues, wake up calls, cramps, shooting pains, headaches, dizziness, rashes, restlessness and unusual thirst. It is, what it is. It’s just another path. One we all visit from time to time, on our journey of discovering, how to care for oneself with love. It’s time to respond with courage and not fear to the signs your body sends.

Now begin to take care of yourself differently with intention and like any skill practice makes perfect. Results do not guarantee a perfect body, rather they contribute to a healthy state of mind. Caregivers often suffer more than the person needing the care, only because caregivers put themselves last. Put your health first and more of the overall results for everyone will be positive. Why? Because you are the one everyone is probably depending on to pull off or handle the caretaking. 

Our elders always said something like this…You are not ...

Well that's all for now. I'll add more in my next posting.

Blessing abound!

Ms. V

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

2023 Fall Reflections

 I have wonderful news!

This year I wrote a story about one of the quilts I made in 2012. This quilt 240 Million African Slaves Ago was made in response to a Call for Exhibit. There were over 89 art quilts involved in the traveling exhibit. The size and locations of the museums dictated how many of the quilts could be exhibited at any one time. The exhibit was laced out in a time line and my quilt was a depiction of one of the earliest of the 400 years of African American Historical moments displayed in cloth.

Here is a link to the article and a picture of the quilt. I must add that you will not find very many of my art works online because this very quilt;s image was posted on line for sale as a painting. I went to the site and posted “words” and explained that it was a quilt. After that i did not see it again but by then they had made quite a bit of cash off my original design. None the less here it is in the Tufts U Osher Spotlight 2023 Magazine. And a little about the blood sweat and tares it took to make it.


Once you reach the page, click on Spotlight 2023. Scroll down the article is on page 15.


Ms. V

Reflecting on 2023 Creative Accomplishments


I attended the wonderful “Teachers Event” at the New England Quilt Museum as a participant. There were also 16 other Instructors who like me, give lectures and workshops. It was great to see so many familiar faces. The program had a wonderful turnout of Guild Vice Presidents and Program committee members attended from all over New England and Connecticut.

My three minutes included a brief chat about my 2019 year break, the Covid Plague, which extended to a few years. That was an unexpected gift. I had been driving and flying all over the country for 20 years. The universe decided to give so many of us a break, and many of us elders stopped running hard for nearly three years.


I will be teaching workshops full and half day, doing Trunk Shows, providing one of my four lectures, motivational speaking, and New to my Menu you will find, Zoom support for groups, guilds, funerals, workshops both regular and Hybrid meetings.

What Else Was I Up To? 

Here are a few really interesting events I have participated in during and Post Covid 19, 20, 21…

I joined a couple of writing groups and took writing, history, drawing, painting, speaking, and quilting classes. I also taught Exploring Race, Art and Culture, and Retirement  courses at Tufts University’s Osher Program.

That led to participating in over 100 zoom meetings, classes. I became so proficient i started providing support to other writing groups, quilt guild meetings, workshops, and special events.

I also hosted and moderated two family funerals. Family and friends from all over the country attended both funerals and it was wonderful to see so many beloved faces. During each celebration of life we spotlighted friends and family from all walks of life of the person. 

My art work reflected the times and a few pieces were exhibited in a few online exhibits. Three others, collages, were used in the website announcement and the online and in person handout. Here are two of the quilts made especially for that exhibit below. I was thrilled to see details from my work used for the advertisement and one for the website posting. You can find them on my Facebook Page at “Val Quilting Poitier.


COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) opens a new exhibition in GCAC’sLoann Crane Gallery titled Caution: Artists at Play on Monday, Aug. 28, 2023. An opening reception will be held from 5-6:30 p.m. that same evening at the gallery located at 182 E. Long St. Caution: Artists at Play will be on view through Jan. 24, 2024.

Not Perfectly Straight, yet Beautifully Made.

Regards, V

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Yep! Teaching online Spring/Summer 2021!

 Well I made it over the hump. I took some time to take zoom classes on topics I was interested in. I chose a wide variety of topics. Some requiring reading and research, an five day intensive study of color and requiring a heavy out put and quick turn around of art quilt tops, writing classes both fiction and memoirs and twenty different zoom events about suffrage, suffragettes, race, social justice issues and women’s history.  

Midway through that period I learned all about online teaching and exactly what I needed to invest in to provide excellent workshops and day classes. As I continued to check out that arena, I worked as a class assistant then a class monitor tor two sessions over a five month period. I ended up teaching two classes and loved every moment of the process. Now I am ready to forage ahead as an online instructor, lecturer, panelist and to stream live on topics I am interested in and have invested years studying.

I will be posting my line up soon, but first I am waiting to see if I get the artist residency I applied for. Almost every else will be scheduled around that project and my ongoing studies.

Below is one of the art pieces I created during the art class I took early March with Hollis Chatlain of NC. It was a fabulous class that caused me to stretch and quickly produce a quilt top. I’ll get to the quilting soon then post the finished product.

To be added...

Happy days ahead, filled with new and wondrous finished projects and online teaching opportunities!

All the best,

Ms. V

Sunday, October 18, 2020

To Share ON-LINE or to wait COVID 19 out!

I thought I would share my thoughts about on-line classes and lectures.

    It is a daunting task for some of us to switch on a dime from in person classes and lectures to going live on our computers. That is so, even if, those of us over 50 are computer and use some of the new products, have cameras, stands, and are fun, interesting, engaging and proficient speakers. 

Here are the questions I asked myself:

What will it take and is it worth the investment? 
Will it give the same satisfaction as meeting up with a new group or village of quilters and fiber artists?
When you ask questions to get a feel for your audience, will anyone answer?
What do I charge? Do I lower my prices? Most people don't.
How much equipment should I update or buy, and which/what things?
How many times should I practice before going live?
How do I attract an audience?
What should I teach?
What do I really want to share?
Should I use the same format for the lectures which is a combination of Show & Tell and Powerpoint?

    To facilitate the answer, I began to watch zoom lectures of different types, especially non-quilt related to see what worked and what did not work.

In progress shot, now completed and has been exhibited 10 different locations.

I plan to go for it. But I think I want to add being a back up person if your scheduled speaker is not available.  That way I won't spend weeks or months being anxious. And I am great at brainstorming!...lol.

I'll let you know what I decide and find. 

All the best!
Ms. V

Monday, September 16, 2019

2020-2022 Lectures, Workshops, On line, In Person...


Here are are my On-line lectures and workshops. The fun for me is to chat with you then tweak the program to fit your small group, large guild, art alliance, or webinar.  My goal is to be informative and entertaining, while sharing meaningful techniques for life and art! Email me for prices!

Your Process, Claiming Your Artistic Voice. Workshop or Lecture

Where are you in your process? Let’s explore. We can work together in a single day, half days, Or in-person (when safe) workshops. Using finished and unfinished projects, I will share my hard won victories. Oh you will recognize some of your own favorite techniques, starts and stops, and those ready to toss it moments.  We all have them.

During this time together we laugh, we get our mojos back, we move ahead, and some will stay right where they are, and be ok with that, while others will finish up projects!
It’s personal and we get to choose for ourselves.
It’s our process after all.
I will share where and when I get stuck. 
Then how I get unstuck and motivated.  
There are jewels of knowledge to be found in this lecture and workshop.

When Thought and Thread Collide, I mean Join!

Using thoughts, sketches, and research to tell the story. It all unfolds in this lecture and trunk show including my most exhibited pieces.  Between them they have graced 17 museums and quite a few galleries.  Lecture, Slide Show, with samples of each step.

How to Promote Your work and Yourself—without apologizing! Interactive Lecture/Workshop.

When we conclude the workshop or lecture you will be, energized, informed, rethinking how you speak about yourself and your work.

Awesome response from participants! Was even selected as one of the best workshops and rebooked for the 25th anniversary National Conference of SAQA. (Studio Art Quilt Associates)

Hanging in Harmony—Interactive Workshop or Lecture.

-How to create a cohesive body of work!

-Have you ever wondered how to get your exhibit to flow in such a way that the viewers are in Awe?  

-There is a process that allows you to align or alternate similar work, color, size, and topics that can draw the viewer in.  

-You will learn how to get the Oooh’s! and Ahhh’s. Great for On-line or in person exhibits. We go beyond just showing the picture. Once you have seen the picture you usually want more info. Now there’s a quick lesson on how add information and labels to the slide or picture for best impact.

-Lecture can be Tweaked for the guild or those who hang quilt shows. 

-The Workshop can be 45-90 minutes or half day for those who have an interest on how to plan and execute the hanging of a quilt show. Because this will happen online for now size is not an issue. Remember it’s interactive and you get to add feedback as we work through the process.

Show and Tell!  Fun Lessons on Best Practices When Presenting!

Rib tickling interactive Lecture. Includes a selection from my trunk show and member quilts.  We combine our stories and audience participation. Get ready to have fun while we brush up our presentation skills. It’s fast pace and we end on a very high note!

Strip Piecing to the Max workshop only!

Let’s take this beyond beginner level piecing. It’s easy and the results are fabulous! We create the fabric, cut out the appliqués, Ending with  a 9”x12” takeaway.  Workshop priced per person, guild pricing available. Gather basic quilting supplies, machine or iron and your precut strips or scraps, kits available.

Yes, I will design a fiber related course for a small group or to be presented to guild members.

Contact me and we will plan an event for your guild, group, or those few close friends!

All the Best! Ms. V

Sunday, September 17, 2017

90th Birthday Today for our Mother!

Great Morning. Today is my mother's 90th birthday! Family and friends are gathering from all over the East coast to join herin celebration.  Through out the day I will post pictures of our time together. Let's start with Mothers grand mother and her fathers sister. In Philadelphia walking pass Lit Brothers on Market Street. When those clothes were fashionable.

The second picture is at the opening of the traveling exhibit And Still We Rise, in Ohio in the fall of 2012 or 2013...gotta look that up. I was part of a panel who spoke about their work and our quilts in the exhibit.  Mother and my husband were there to see the opening and to here me speak at the National Underground Railroad Museum.

Have a blessed day!

To the right is a picture of my great grand mother Willie Cratic Finch and great aunt E. Finch Morris.

Elton, Valarie, jo Pratt leaving the auditorium.